Between The Wines Book Club
Our reads

One Last Rainy Day: The Legacy of a Prince

Old feelings resurface for One Last Rainy Day, a storm of emotions is forming with this September book selection.

Hello, girls!, this month we are thrilled to dive into the much-anticipated sequel of The Ravenhood Trilogy by the talented author, Kate Stewart. If you thought the first three books were a rollercoaster of emotions, get ready for “One Last Rainy Day,” which promises to be a breathtaking exploration of Dominic’s side of the story.

“My rainy days are yours, Dominic. If you want them.”

Dominic’s Perspective: Finally, we get to see the world through Dominic’s eyes. His thoughts, fears, and desires will be laid bare, allowing us to understand the man behind the enigmatic and complex character. His love for rainy days and the air of darkness surrounding him left us with burning questions. “One Last Rainy Day” provides the answers we’ve been longing for.

The Power of Love: Love has always been at the core of this trilogy. In “One Last Rainy Day,” expect to witness the strength of love as Dominic confronts his own demons and strives to protect what matters most to him.

Let's grab a Beer:

In honor of Dominic’s French heritage, we’ve curated a selection of different French beers that we think will match perfectly with the book, and of course our upcoming virtual meeting. 

À votre santé!

Stormy Days and "Dominic": The Perfect Combo for Craving Cheeseburgers and chicken Wings!

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